Spears announces candidacy for Brentwood City Commission
Brentwood resident Allison Spears has officially entered the race for the special election to fill the vacant Brentwood City Commission seat that will be held Jan. 12.
Spears pulled her petition with the election commission on Nov. 10 and filled the 50 signatures needed to return the completed petition on the same day.
Spears said her vision for the city aligns with the history of Brentwood. The city’s growth and infrastructure are important to her as she looks at the future of the city she loves. A quality of life worth preserving, Spears wants to uphold one-acre density zoning, and continue the strength in police, fire, roads, parks and schools.
In looking at the future, Spears feels strongly that the commission needs to protect its rainy day fund for anticipated needs in the future. Stability for the past 31 years is important, she said.
“The people of Brentwood are my favorite part of Brentwood,” Spears said. “An overwhelming majority of the residents I speak with have expressed their desire to keep Brentwood, Brentwood. I would be honored to represent and uphold their values on the Brentwood City Commission.” says Spears.
She shares her long history of service is borne from a true love for the people in her community.
Spears’ service in Brentwood extends to her volunteer work with the PTO at Scales Elementary, Brentwood Middle and Brentwood High schools where she is president elect. She is employed at Brentwood Middle School and has been appointed to the Brentwood Historic Commission helping with Boiling Springs Academy and chairs the public relations committee.
Membership includes the Daughters of the Revolutionary War where she serves on the Flag of the USA Committee and is chair of the community service awards committee. Spears has been an active member of Forest Hills Baptist Church for more than 20 years.
A sixth-generation Middle Tennessean, Spears grew up in Gallatin and attended the University of Richmond in Virginia where she majored in business. She and her husband, Martin, moved to Brentwood 13 years ago and are raising their three daughters.
To learn more about Spears, visit www.electallisonspears.com and follow her at www.facebook.com/AllisonSpearsBrentwoodCityCommission.
Early voting will be held at the John P. Holt Brentwood Library from Jan. 3-7 and at the election commission office located at 405 Downs Blvd. in Franklin from Dec. 23 through Jan. 7.